
Facilitating safes spaces for honest conversations and sharing experiences about grief, loss and death.

About OMDB and our mission

The topics of grief, loss and death remain one of the biggest taboos in our society. Although they affect everyone, we hardly find opportunities and spaces to talk openly about them - even less so at the workplace.
The fear of upsetting or hurting someone by saying the wrong things or by speaking about the unspeakable, but also the fear of our own feelings, often prevent us from addressing the elephant in the room. And by doing that, we ironically miss the probably most promising opportunity of lessening the burdens of those very same fears. Because sharing about grief, loss and death openly can liberate us from surpressed or stuck emotions and help us to process them in a healthy way.

Providing safe spaces where this can happen, is our misson at OMDB. Because we believe that addressing the elephant in the room can help us to meet death and grief - as well as life - in a more honest but also empowered way. We believe that such safe spaces are especially important at the workplace where grief, loss and death are often labeld as private matters that should be sperated from the work enviornment. We think that this is neither healty nor does it actually work. It is only by bringing to the surface the feelings and thoughts that we try to burry inside of us that we can establish a healthy realtionship with them. And we are here to guide you through this proces.

Our Services

  • Workshops

    We develop and facilitate tailored workshops to address topics of grief, loss and death. By providing a safe space we give participants the opportunity to process personal experiences with grief or to learn how to help others in grief.

  • Trainings

    In our trainings we share our knowledge, experiences and unique approaches to grief, death and loss. We empower leadership teams to become allies for grieving team members and help HR professionals to hold space for people experiencing grief or loss.

  • Consulting

    We can not isolate grief and loss from the workplace. Because they are already there. This is why we want to help organisations to create a work enviornment that is grief sensitive and to provide the best possible support for employees experiencing grief or loss.

Hi, we are Cori and Patrick. Next to our passion for creating innovative formats and facilitating conversations, workshops and trainings we also share something else: We are both fascinated, while at the same time pretty scared about death. But we are convinced that there is also a lot to learn from death and how we decide to confront it. That is why we founded OverMyDeadBody (OMDB) - a (virtual) meeting place where we hold space for grief and loss and for people and organisations who seek learnings about life, personal growth and relationships by talking openly about death and everything that comes with it.

At OMDB we hold space for thoughts, ideas and emotions related to death, loss and grief – our fears, hopes and anguishes, as well as discussing bold new approaches and innovative schools of thought.

Together with you we want to spark community-driven change in how we talk about and handle the topics of death, grief and loss, breaking taboos one conversation at a time.

About Cori & Patrick

About Cori Moore
It’s known as society’s biggest taboo, but in my experience given the right space, speaking about death really opens people up and brings a lot of joy to those sharing. Death has been following me for years now – since writing my bachelor dissertation on suicide and self-harm prevention, to running game-based funeral design workshops with British pensioners. To some it may sound bleak, but there is nothing I find quite as uplifting and life-affirming as to facilitate these intimate and powerful conversations.

About Patrick Liebl
Death has been quite present since early on in my life. But I never really talked about it. It was only when I got interested in narrative work that I learned how important it is to talk about and integrate challenging experiences - like experiences with death and grief - into my life story. Having experienced how healthy and liberating it is to address doubts, fears but also hopes, I partnered up with Cori to create innovative formats and safe spaces for honest conversations about death and grief. I am a certified end-of-life companion and trained in grief work, Authentic Presence and contemplative practices. To deepen my relationship with death I am volunteering at a hospice in Berlin, holding space for the dying.